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2021 BLUFF CREEK ST APT 2202, EL PASO, TX 79911
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Software Architect/Lead Programmer/Project Manager for various companies including a nonprofit, software startups, and software consultancies. Full-stack software development include Agile methodologies, software best
practices, and requirements gathering. Self-directed, clear communicator, results oriented, and generative thinker.
Languages Python, Java, c++, PHP, Bash shell scripting
Frameworks Django/Python, CodeIgniter/PHP
Front-end JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, CSS
Testing UNITTEST for Python & Django, Junit, CppUnit, PHPUnit, jest-cucumber & Gherkin
Platforms Linux (Ubuntu & Debian), MacOS, MS Windows
DevOps AWS Cloud, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Linux, CLI
Micro Services Docker, Kubernetes
Databases MySQL &PostgreSQL on RDS, SQLite3, WhiteDB, many others RDBMS & NoSQL systems
Networking REST, web sockets, MQTT, BACnet/IP, SSL/TLS, RSA & ECC, cipher suites
Tools Git/GitHub, PyCharm & PhpStorm, VIM, LibreOffice, pylint
Productivity Jira, Confluence, BaseCamp 3, Gantt Chart
Mobile Cordova (for Android & iOS)
Misc English proofreading, Photography, Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape
BioLife Solutions, Inc. — Software Developer — Bothel, WA (2021-Current)
• Hardware and software testing and documentation of legacy temp/voltage/current monitoring system.
◦ Added TLSv1.3 to existing Java “collector” limited by specific cipher suites.
• Assumed responsibility for Java embedded system (BACnet/IP, MQTT/Losant communication).
◦ Created custom installer for deployment to field devices.
◦ Rewrote entire system to Python3 for Next Gen system; added REST functionality.
◦ Created Proof-of-concept REST endpoint, with Fernet encryption, for bilateral communication.
◦ Created tools to trigger device events.
• Documented workflows for armhf (BeagleBone Black) development & deployment.
◦ cross compiling for Qt5 on Ubuntu X86_64 to armhf.
◦ installation of Debian flasher images (.img.xz) to eMMC.
◦ automated upgrades using Debian (.deb) packages via memory stick and apt.
Aural Analytics, L.L.C. — Program Manager / Mobile Developer — Scottsdale, AZ (2017)Resume of Anthony J. Garot — Page 2
• Created documentation and practices for Engineering Department and Operations Department.
• Assembled App for Android and iOS using Cordova.
• Wrote documentation to fulfill FDA requirements for CFR Title 21 Part 11 for a clinical application.
• Ran weekly staff meetings.
• Set up EC2 for collecting data from clinical iPads and home mobile devices.
• Met launch date for Cytokinetics clinical trials.
• Instructed clinicians of how product worked in Chicago.
Bat Conservation International — Membership Manager / Web Developer — Austin, TX (2015 to June 2016)
BCI is a nonprofit organization specializing in the conservation of bats and their habitats.
• Membership Manager role entailed managing 14 contribution programs that raised 1.7M per year in
unrestricted funds. I supervised two people, set up and maintained the schedule, refined and documented
every process, database administration in Raiser's Edge (RE7) & Spark/NetCommunity, and created the FY17
• Web Developer role entailed various software maintenance projects in Joomla, PHP, JavaScript, payment
gateways, etc.
Whimbrel, L.L.C. — Architect, Lead Programmer — Austin, TX (2014 to 2015)
Whimbrel, L.L.C. was a start-up company specializing in digital asset management solutions. Role entailed many
• Strategist: Worked closely with executive management to define a desktop software product; frequent review
with executive management of product, target market, pricing model, company direction, etc.
• Project Manager: Selected system for tracking product requirements; documented and sized user stories;
assembled weekly metrics; reviewed weekly user story requirements, priorities, and scope with executive
management. Reviewed completed user stories for completeness and usability.
• Team Lead: Interviewed, hired, and managed a team of software developers; led daily standup; removed
• Architect: Researched, selected, and documented toolset, libraries, and solution architecture for desktop
software product. (wxWidgets, OpenCV, libjpeg-turbo, MinGW/MSYS) Ongoing technology integration
• Programmer: Created initial framework and prototype for c++ desktop application; ongoing feature
Garot Software Services — Independent Software Consultant — (1997 to present)
Experience providing complete, scalable, and sustainable software solutions for diverse clients/requirements
including, but not limited to:
• Created and presented marketing prototype to potential investors of a Las Vegas startup company.
• Designed and implemented Intranet infrastructure for a Las Vegas startup company including networking,
secure 64bit RAID1 “backup” server and subversion version control server.
• Migrated six separate Joomla domains & legacy systems to new web hosting provider. Migration was both
seamless to end users and met required deadline.
• Devised methodology to detect and discover hacking artifacts on client web servers. Result: the total removalResume of Anthony J. Garot — Page 3
of undetected legacy vulnerabilities.
• Proposed and implemented, Take Action!, an online system to connect concerned citizens with their specific
government representatives for critical conservation campaigns.
• Created e-commerce payment gateway library (Authorize.Net and PayPal) used by multiple applications.
Result: minimal coding to add payment functionality for donations, membership, subscriptions, events, or
simple product sales.
• Designed the "Decision Matrix Tool" for the Abandoned Mine Closure Website used by both public lands and
private land owners to clarify mine closure scenarios, educate, and promote bat conservation.
• Revised article, “Bat Photography,” originally written by world renown bat photographer Merlin Tuttle, to
include recent trends in digital photography equipment.
Boys Town National Research Hospital — Research Computing Engineer — Omaha, NE (2004 to 2005)
• Mentored summer intern and monitored ASIO under Linux project.
• Developed the Auditory Research Sound Card (ARSC) ANSI C library used for synchronous auditory research
projects. Library included ASIO protocol. Result: removed operating system induced latency issues resulting in
synchronous operation.
Boole & Babbage, Inc. (now BMC Software, Inc.) — Product Support & Tasks Engineer — San Jose, CA (1995 to 1996)
• Level 3—Special Products Developer for software development of “Ensign NetWare & NT agents.”
• Won the first ever “Star of the Quarter Award” excellence award.
• 8% salary increase after one year.
Greenbrier & Russel, Inc. (now Fujitsu America) — Software Developer — Brookfield, WI (1993 to 1995)
• Developed and coordinated a core set of PowerBuilder framework objects—the backbone for nine
application developers within two separate Wisconsin state agencies. Framework was used to create frontend client/server applications to achieve the state's compulsory goal to eliminate an IBM mainframe within
1.5 years.
• Moderated the PowerBuilder Standards Committee for the State of Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction
• 3% salary increase after six months.
E.D.S. (now HP Enterprise Services) — Novell and LAN Administrator — Warren, MI (1992 to 1993)
• Novell Supervisor for two NetWare 3.11 file servers hosting over 600 clients as well as three SAA Gateways
for AS/400 connectivity.
• MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1992
• BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1990